May 24, 2008

It NEEDS To Be June 10th


Why, you ask, does it need to be June 10th? Because I am so far beyond stressed the light of stressed is taking thousands of years to reach me. I can always tell how late in the school year it is by the length of my fingernails. Beginning of the year? Neatly filed, shaped, maybe even polished...very ladylike, if I do say so. End of year? Ragged, uneven, and bitten to the quick in some cases. *shrugs* It's one of my little stress foibles. I chew on my nails. I have not gotten to the point where I'm drawing blood, but a few of them are close.

Yes, I'm aware that an oral fixation that intense is probably sign of some kind of obsessive-compulsive disorder, but it's not as bad as it could be and nothing's gotten infected, so I'm just going with it.

I think, though, that I'm rather lucky I don't like the taste of alcohol ;)

Nah, seriously, I love my job. I really do. I love my kids and I enjoy working with them. If I hit the lottery tomorrow, I would still want to teach (although, maybe after a prolonged break in the Bahamas). Just, you the end of the year, things get a little hectic. And when you're dealing with close to a hundred eleven-to-fourteen year olds on a daily basis, "a little hectic" can get downright scary. I'm always happy to be back, but yeah, around this time of year, I start looking forward to seeing the backs of 'em.

Went to my friend D's house today and helped her haul around giant pieces of wood, cut them down to six foot pieces, and stack them up for her to use in flower beds. I'm not handy with power tools at all and I find rooting around in the dirt to be immensely unsatisfying, but I can fetch, carry, and haul with the best of them. I used to work as a janitor in my high school during the summers, getting the building ready for the coming year (hehe, in one form or another, I have been working in schools since I was 14...tutor, teacher's assisant, janitor, lunch lady, was just meant to be), and my nickname was "The Human Forklift."

Probably lucky I didn't give myself a hernia. I get a little over-focused when I'm doing manual labor.

Case in point, didn't bother to stop for a water break or two whilst working and so got overheated and threw up in D's yard. Let me tell you, peanut butter-flavored bile? Sooooo nasty. But that was the only little hiccup. We went out for pizza afterwards and had a fabulous time. I love hanging out with D, she's one of the few people I've met who really gets me on all levels. she's also one of the few people in my life that I regularly talk to about my ttc plans...I kind of try to avoid the topic around her 'cause I don't want to yammer her head off, but when she brings it up...hey, I'll talk 'til the cows come home.

On the ttc front...sooooooo frustrated. I'm currently on CD 37. Of a 31-32 day cycle. AF is way overdue and it's starting to irritate me. My cycles are pretty regular, so of course, the month before I start trying for my Imp, my cycle goes screwy?

Still, I am pretty stressed out this month, I did get sick right around my O date, and I've started evening primrose oil and Fertilitea (which has Vitex in it, which can screw with cycles) this month, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Still, need to make a conscious effort to relax this summer and let the herbal magic do its job.

Huh...isn't "working hard" to relax kind of counter-intuitive? Oh well.

In other news: Indiana. Jones. For. The. WIN!!!!

Oh my GOD that was awesome. All those lukewarm reviews were just being ridiculous. Indy's still got it, and Marion is still made of awesome, and Shia Lebouf has come a long way from his Disney days. I love, love, LOVED it.

And now I want to name my child Indiana. Must...resist....temptation.

I guess it's kind of silly to get that worked up over a movie...especially considering the first one came out the year I was born...but I love this stuff. Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Star Trek, Dr. Who...doesn't matter that most of them are before my time...I get just as much nostalgia factor as the older fans. Fun, fun, FUN time...and I didn't even mind the somewhat cheesy story.

I mean, okay, all the Indy flicks have a certain amount of cheese-factor...but this tested even my Trekified suspension of disbelief abilities. And trust me, ain't nothing tests your ability to suspend disbelief like Star Trek. But I don't care...loved it. Love, love, loved it!

Imp, you had better be a sci-fi/fantasy geek, my sweet. 'Cause if you aren't, you're in for a very unhappy childhood. ;)

Things Elfgirl is looking forward to: June 10th. Obviously.

Things currently annoying the crap out of her: 6th graders. Sorry babes, love you like you were my own...but yeah, I think we need some personal space so I can remember why I love you like you were my own.

Pretty boy of the moment: Shia Lebouf. In a kind of half-hunky/half-geeky kind of way. Still, I wouldn't toss him out of bed for eating crackers. :)


twondra said...

I hope it comes real soon for ya!!

We're going to be seeing Indiana Jones this weekend. Mark's really excited! :)

twondra said...

You've been tagged! Yay...or sorry. :) :( See my blog for details.