May 26, 2008

Why Yes, Friend, I AM Just A Little Crazy...


So. I have come to a conclusion. Somewhere, in the annals and pedigrees of nearly every recipe in the UK, no matter what they are, are the words "I dare you to eat..." That is the only explanation for some of the things that grace the tables as traditional cuisine over in Europe. Seriously. Blood pudding? Haggis? Laverbread?

For the unfamiliar, those are fried puddings in which blood is a main ingredient, oats and vegetables boiled in a sheep's stomach, and small cakes made of seaweed paste and oats and fried in bacon fat, respectively. Dares. Only explanation.

And as I am genuinely not racist, ethnocentrist, nor the stereotypical "Ugly American" I do fully acknowledge that some of America's finer contributions to the world of food most likely have the exact same pedigree. There really can't be any other reason for cucumbers pickled in Kool-aid or our propensity for taking average, everyday snack foods, dipping them in batter, and then deep-frying them.

Although, I have to admit that the deep fried Snickers bar with vanilla ice cream is pretty much an orgasm in your mouth. I can practically hear my arteries clogging with every bite...but they are yummy.

Any road, how did I arrive at this fascinating conclusion? And why am I wasting precious brain cells thinking of such things? Well, I really have no answer for the second question, but as to the, fanfiction. More precisely, Torchwood fanfiction. Torchwood fanfiction of the particularly fluffy variety wherein the author has Jack acting all romantic and domesticated with Ianto and making him breakfast in bed complete with traditional Welsh dishes. And so, I was introduced to the concept of Laverbread.

Yes, the canon slash is rather a big draw for me with Torchwood. I really hope they develop the relationship between Jack and Ianto in season three.

I'm also trying to get up the urge to do housework. My apartment desperately needs some spring cleaning...mopping, scrubbing, dusting, Windex-ing. I subscribe to the "clean enough to be healthy, dirty enough to be happy" school of thought on housecleaning, but yeah, the cat hair has gotten out of control and I need to scrub the mineral ring in the toilet again. *sigh*

AF still a no-show on CD 39. Though I am having some of the lower-abdominal cramping that sometimes signals her arrival. The longest I've ever gone between periods is 44 days and that only happens once a year or so, so I'm not terribly worried. Like I said, stress, sickness, and new herbals is probably messing with my cycle. Hopefully, June will be smoother and then July will be the big insem.

On that front, I've decided not to tell my family that I'm going ahead with the insem in July. Maybe my sister, but she has a hard time keeping things from our mother. Oh, not for any shady reasons or that I think anyone would have a negative reaction (well, scratch that, Mom would freak out over the possibility of me being pregnant in Africa)...but really for personal reasons. I don't know why I'm so adamant about trying for the Imp this summer...logic really does dictate that I should wait until after I'm back from Africa, or even next year. But something in my heart tells me that now's the time. That if I start listing all the reasons I should wait, there's always going to be a reason to wait. That my Imp is waiting to come to me, and wants to be with me soon. I learned a long time ago to listen to these feelings when I get them this strongly. They've never steered me wrong. They've steered me down hard paths, and complicated paths, and paths that I would've never taken if I stopped to think about it...but I've never regretted going with my gut.

We shall see, Imp, we shall see.

Things Elfgirl is currently looking forward to: going home for the summer!

Things currently annoying the crap out of her: the all around refusal of the house to clean itself!

Pretty boy of the moment: Jack and Ianto. They may be fictional, but the boys that play them are gorgeous, and the characters are just neat.

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