May 14, 2008

Everybody Was Kung-Fu Fighting


Ever noticed how whever the world/the universe/fantastical dimension/rift in space and time/whatever is in danger, despite the situation being well-covered by many competent and well trained warriors/mages/wizards/wisemen/wisewoman/whatevers, the only person that can defuse the hostile situation is a plucky, slightly incompetent, misfit, middle-class white kid?

Seriously. Go check.

What's up with that?

Went to see "The Forbidden Kingdom" tonight with my friend D. Pretty good movies...never gonna win an Oscar, but it was a good bit of mindless fluff. And hey, Jet Li and Jackie Chan going at it alone was worth the price of admission. Ten minute freakin' fight scene that did absolutely nothing to advance the plot, and lacked any sort of dialogue. That, my friends, is what we call "Fanservice."

Sometimes it worries me, how much of a geek I am.

Apparently, though, not as much as it worries my parents. Well, maybe "worry" is the wrong word, since they pretty much made me this way (s'what they get for leaving me alone in the apartment with a stack of anime videos and the remote control when I got chicken pox in the second grade--don't worry, the neighbor was a stay at home mom who checked on me every hour). But any road, I get home today and there's this email from my father. From my father's WORK address, no less.

"Now, I don't want to pressure you, but have you looked at this site?"

*sigh* Well, he either wants me to accept Jesus Christ as my personal savior (a rather laughable thought when my Dad's in the equation), or he thinks I'm going to be offended.

And it's a site called

A dating website.

For science fiction geeks.

*double sigh*

Fair enough, I guess. Sure, if I ever hook up with someone, I hope they understand my plethora of TV boyfriends and the fact that if they want a date night, they're going to have to either scehdule around Dr. Who, or join me for adventures in the TARDIS. Sad thing is, that's not even a euphanism. I suppose I can even appreciate that my father is looking out for my love life, after I get over being utterly creeped out that my father is even thinking about my love life. Here's the thing, folks don't seem to understand that it's not that I can't date, it's that I don't want to. I'm not opposed to a relationship, I just don't really want one. I keep trying to explain that to them--and I think my mom and least gets, intellectually, that I'm happy being single, her having spent the past decade as a pretty happy single woman--but for the most part it just--Does. Not. Compute.

They seem to assume that because my folks had a messy divorce that I must have some strange issues trusting men. Or that because there was some friction with my stepmother when my father remarried that I'm trying to avoid heartache.

Hell, they've even obliquely inquired as to whether or not I'm a lesbian.

And it's, I just don't feel like having a relationship. Same way I might say I don't like onions, or 'Moonlight' is a stupid show (sorry, any fans, but the dialogue is clunky and the storylines are subpar at best. Certainly, it's no 'Kindred: The Embraced'). It just doesn't appeal to me. And I really don't know how I can get it through to them that, no, I don't want the husband, I just want the baby.

Seriously...all I want is my Imp, and I will have led a complete life. I will be perfectly content if it's just me and my kid(s). I really don't think they're going to understand that, though, until I'm actually pregnant. Oh well. Working on it.

Things Elfgirl is looking forward to: heading to the beach this weekend. Hancock.

Things currently annoying the crap out of her: people who blast their freakin' music at the highest volume at ten 'o clock at night.

Pretty Boy of the Moment: Jared Padalecki. Oh, Sammy!

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