Jul 24, 2008

Well, at least I know the Imp will have my sense of humor...


Okay, Imp, it's time to stop messing with Mommy's head.  She's moving to another house, packing for a trip to another continent, and trying to get her classroom together for the school year.  So far...not too stressful at all, and honestly, she's pretty sure that if she was getting ovulation at the height of the school year, those stressors aren't going to stop her now.  

But sweetie, playing Peek-A-Boo with Mommy's OPK's is not cool, all right?  

Soooooo frustrated.  

I know, I know, it's all part of TTC...and I really should have expected something like this.  But magically appearing and disappearing lines on the OPK?  Really?  Seriously?  You're going to do this to me, Universe?  

I got an almost-really-almost-tilt-your-head-and-squint-'cause-maybe-it-is positive OPK today.  I'm...leery, but thinking it might have been a positive and my body is just screwing with the OPK strips.  I've had cramping for two days now, got lots of clear/white stretchy mucus, and a bit of that sixth sense intuition is pricking at the back of my neck.  

And frankly, if I had a boyfriend, I'd have mauled him a few times by now...the buzzy friends have been getting a real workout.  


*grins wickedly*

Let's see, 24 hours or so past the LH surge, that would put me ovulating midway through CD18.  Early.  But not impossible, considering that the last couple of cycles were a little screwy (I blame massive amounts of stress).  What to do, what to do, what to do...

I have three vials of Frozen Boy.  I'm really considering doing an insem tonight.  If nothing else, I can see what it's like and get any major screwups out of the way.  

Yes, I'm aware that's basically a 200 dollar experiment.

Eh, Uncle Sam picked up the tab for the frozen manjuice.

What?  I bought something!  I totally stimulated the economy with that check!

You're not going to make this easy for me, are you Imp?  I guess I can deal with that.  I like a certain amount of moxie in a kid.  

But really...stop messing with Mommy's OPK's. 

1 comment:

twondra said...

Your posts make me laugh so hard. :) Keep us posted on the OPKs.