Aug 5, 2008

Elfgirl's Adventures in Africa, Part Twee


Oh...that's twee as in Afrikaans for "two"...not twee as in "that's so twee!"

Hehe, I'm learning Afrikaans.

I'm really having an amazing time. We've been on a couple of city tours with the company sponsoring our to the "tourist" side of Cape Town and one trip to the actual townships where people live...what used to be the "colored" and "black" sections of Cape Town during Apartheid. Incredible, incredible experience. Heartbreaking, in many ways--there is absolutely no reason that such poverty should exist in the 'developed' world. But that's partly why I went on this trip...I want to see everything, experience everything, the good and the bad.

I can already tell this is going to be a life-changing experience. As part of my volunteer work, I'm assisting at a local primary school (the kids are roughly equivalent to 4th grade) was our first day, and D and I arrived at the school only to discover we're not going to be assisting with the class...we're going to be TEACHING the class.

Yeah, they literally gave us some lesson plans and left us there with thirty South African children. They all speak English, thank God (and I'm really jealous and impressed that all of these kids are at least bilingual already!), but it was a bit of a challenge. Fortunately, D and I have both taught primary grades before, so we were okay with the's not so different from the last time I taught fourth grade actually.

D and I are going to have a good time there, I think. And we've got soooo much planned in our free time. We're planning a trip down to the Cape of Good Hope, and we're going on an honest-to-god safari in a couple of weeks. Yes, the volunteer work is our primary focus, but we also want to see the 'tourist' side of Africa...anything we can photograph and bring back to our students. :)

Speaking of, here's a picture of Table Mountain that I took the other day (D and I haven't made it to the top, but you can be sure we will before we leave).


I HOPE that worked. Got lots of other pictures...but it's taking a long time to load, unfortunately.

On the Imp-front...I'm officially ten DPO and desperately telling myself that I can wait a few more days to test with my CBE digital test. I'm thinking of running out to a pharmacy tomorrow or the next day to get a South African version of the cheapies...but I dunno.

I'm still sick to my stomach (though it's more in the mornings now than throughout the day, so yay), but have still not actually puked. Cervical discharge continues to be sticky/wet and copious. Looking at my FF chart, I've literally had nausea every day since after my first insemination, cervical mucus of some kind every day since I've inseminated (which has never happened before), and cramps and tender breasts multiple times since insemination.
I'm pretty sure my nips are changing color as well...or at least getting a little swollen and darker around the edges.

Dare I hope?

How much of this is in my head, Imp? The nausea I really can't explain and the CM I really can't explain. Neither of those symptoms are anything even remotely resembling typical for me. I've never had cervical discharge like this, and I can't remember ever being this sick to my stomach for this long without puking or actually being SICK sick.

I'm hoping, Imp. I'm really hoping. AF is due in two days, but up to a week later would not be unreasonable going on my last two cycles. However, those were two cycles where I was literally sick to my stomach with stress every day for several days in a row (bad stuff went down at work...but it's okay now). I just don't know.

But I think I'm gonna find a pharmacy tomorrow.

1 comment:

twondra said...

Glad you're having a good time! The mountain looks beautiful!

Can't wait to hear more about your symptoms! They sound hopeful!