So yeah...Old Man Winter has made his presence felt with a vengeance in my little neck of the woods. In the past twenty four hours we've gotten darn near a foot of snow...on top of the snow that hadn't really melted from the last big storm, leaving us with drifts up to three and a half or four feet in some places. Poor Marley is belly deep in it when I take him out to do his business (and remember...this is my Labra-Horse whose back is even with the bottom of my hip these days).
Speaking of Marley...he's going through another growth spurt. God help me. He's at the top end of the weight range most apartments allow for large breed animals (the ones that allow large breed animals to begin with) already. And holy crap, I don't know what I'll do if he gets any taller. I already feel horrible for making him live in our little one bedroom apartment. He needs more space, but this is the best I can do at the moment. Hopefully, next year I'll be able to buy or rent a house. Probably rent. I don't know if having a baby in the same year as buying a house is the smartest thing to do, and frankly, I want the baby more than I want to be able to paint my walls whatever color I want.
But yeah, off school again today--though I'm pretty sure we'll go in tomorrow unless everything freezes tonight.
It's already been pretty exciting. Marley got into a box of butter I'd left out on the counter to soften while I was in the shower and ate all four sticks. And the wax wrappers. And most of the box. Fortunately, there's not a lot of protein in butter, so I wasn't worried about him seizing again, but I had visions of the wax paper getting all twisted up in his intestines and causing a blockage, so I decided to make him throw it up.
Yes, I'm old hat at making my dog vomit. I have to be very, very careful about what he ingests due to his health issues, but my Mom has four cats at her place currently and Marley has a taste for cat food and the survival instincts of a suicidally depressed lemming. He gets into things he shouldn't a LOT.
On the plus side, I'm absolutely certain that having a toddler around will be a breeze after dealing with Marley.
Any road, I didn't have any peroxide in the house (interesting side note, if you ever need to make a dog vomit, a little oral syringe of plain old hydrogen peroxide will do the trick in like three minutes.) and the snow plows hadn't been through yet so I couldn't get out to go get I ended up having to pour, like, five tablespoons of salt down Marley's gullet.
I think he thinks I'm very angry with him right now. Poor baby.
I've never used the salt method before, so I had no idea how long it would take. Come to find out, it takes quite a bit longer than peroxide 'cause he didn't vomit for almost an hour. And of course, by then I'd stopped watching so close to be able to get him outside to do it, so I came out of the kitchen to find a GIANT puddle of melted butter, wax paper bits, bile, and dog food on the floor.
God, it smelled disgusting. And it took me three rolls of paper towels to get it all up. Marley never does anything by haves, that's for sure.
Have I mentioned before that something like 90% of the dogs that have Marley's particular health issue are toy breeds? Like, Yorkies and shit?
And now my apartment smells of slightly soured dairy product. It's gross.
Nothing else going on. My stepsister is pregnant with her second child, which is both nice and somewhat depressing. Nice because I lived in another state when her first was born, so I've not really been able to bond with the kid, and so I'm looking forward to being more of an aunt and depressing 'cause...well.
Just a few more months, though, and I can go for the Imp. And this time, I'm going until he or she is here. No more distractions or waiting. So yeah.
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